Abbey of San Liberatore a Majella - Serramonacesca (Province of Pescara)


Masciulli viaggi

The origin of the abbey is traditionally linked to Charlemagne, who is portrayed in a fresco fragment within the church. It is surrounded by a unique nature scenery with woods, watercourses and ravines, used as hermitage. The church with its bell tower stands out in sharp relief against the green area. It is one of the most beautiful and ancient abbey in Abruzzo.

The Benedictine church remained in a decaying state until it was restored in XX century and it represent a beautiful sample of Medieval architecture in Abruzzo.

The abbey has a white façade with balanced volumes, flanked by a square-plan bell tower with three floors, having (starting from the lowest) single, double and triple mullioned windows.

The interior is on the basilica plan with a nave and two aisles, divided by seven round arcades with triangular piers.

The nave's pavement has a rare pavement geometrical decoration which dates from 1200.

The apse has frescoes from various ages, once united but now, after their restoration, separated. The ambo has a square shape, and is similar to those in the San Clemente Abbey of Casauria and in that of San Pelino at Corfinio.


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